Fab Five | TV Shows ♡

I probably could have won the award for TV Binger of the Year in 2016…you know, if that were a thing. I am often found in front of my TV, curled up with the big sofa to myself, wrapped in a blanket with a coffee in hand. Here’s what I’ve been loving recently;

The Affair – Oh. My. God. Okay so I’m only six episodes into The Affair but why did no one tell me about it sooner!? I’m LOVING it. Ruth Wilson is incredible, I actually prefer watching her play an American, she seems more natural in this role than as Alice in Luther, if you’re a fan of that one (which obviously everyone is because Idris Elba, need I say more?). So The Affair is set in Montauk and basically follows both sides of two married people who start up an affair. DRAMA! Also good because there are three full seasons available so totally binge worthy. It’s on Sky Atlantic and I’ve been streaming through Now TV.

A Series of Unfortunate Events – I’ve been excited about Netflix making this for such a long time! I loved the books as a child, they’re so dark but the stories are great and knowing it was going to be a full series made me hopeful they would cover more of the stories than they did in the film (they did). As much as I liked the film, I definitely prefer Neil Patrick Harris’ Count Olaf, him and Patrick Warburton narrating as Lemony Snicket really made the series. I also LOVED all the little throws they made to TV and streaming services, it gave it a really nice modern twist and is great for people who have never read the books. I’ve heard mixed reviews from fellow viewers but if it’s up your street definitely give it a watch and make your own mind up.

Happy Valley – Crime/mystery/thriller is just RIGHT up my street. If you follow me on Twitter you will know how much I went on and on about The Missing when that was on but oh my GOSH it was brilliant. Cliff hangers are so great, they make for such brilliant TV, but how amazing is it when you can instantly watch the next episode? Thank you Netflix. So my parents recommended Happy Valley to me. I loved it! I got through two series’ in about a week. Sarah Lancashire leads as a Yorkshire police woman who gets wrapped up in the kidnapping of a young woman. Such good British TV, I genuinely laughed and cried my way through the 12 (?) episodes. Series 1 is available on Netflix and the series 2 DVD is available from HMV for £11.99.

The O.C – So one of my fave online friends and all time fave blogger Sophie Jo is obsessed with The O.C and every time she talks about it on Twitter I get tempted to start it again. So just before Christmas I was all out of binge worthy shows and I thought it would be the perfect time to revisit Orange County and the gang. Need I really say more about The O.C? It’s just the perfect angsty teenage American drama and thankfully my bestie has the full box set. If you’re a big fan definitely check out Sophie’s post on the misunderstandings of Coop. You can find that here.

Gilmore Girls (A Year in The Life) – Oooookay SO I spent the last few months of 2016 absolutely obsessed with Gilmore Girls. It was a little like when I first watched Grey’s Anatomy and would stay up until all hours crying about the lives of these fictional people… but how bloody magical is Stars Hollow!? I remember watching little bits of this show when they used to play it on e4, anyone else remember that? But as soon as Netflix added it I was ready to grab my popcorn and crack on. It was GREAT because there are seven whole seasons to be going at and I finished well in time for the revival so I was SUPER excited. I’ve watched it twice through now and although I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews and negative comments from people who were expecting, I think, very different things, I really loved it. I could probably write a whole post on the character progressions of Rory and Lorelai ,so I might actually save that for another post (let me know if you’d like to see that), but I really thought it was put together so well and I mean THE ENDING!? My only real complaint is that Kirk wasn’t present in every single scene…

What have you been loving recently on TV? Anything you think I’d love to watch? Let me know in the comments!

2 thoughts on “Fab Five | TV Shows ♡

  1. Omg I LOVE THIS! Thank you so much, firstly for my lil shoutout you babe and also for the recommendations cos I am always looking for new ones (tho Grey’s is top of my list just so ya know) 🙂 ❤


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